Victoria Weeks

If the personal is indeed universal, then we all have something in common, don't we?
Victoria Weeks
I was inspired to take a leap by a recent visit to the Wright Brothers National Memorial in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. The inscription on the monument reads: “In commemoration of the conquest of the air by the brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright. Conceived by genius. Achieved by dauntless resolution and unconquerable faith.”

Follow me on X @vweeks and Instagram @victoria.weeks

A Reason to Write

Welcome to The Victory Lap, where the passionate writer in me meets the avid cyclist/health nut and shakes hands with the experimental entrepreneur. I'm a big fan of reinvention. After all, if we only have one go-around on this planet, shouldn't we squeeze in as many lives as possible? So, after a decade as a science media producer for NASA, I spent another decade building my commercial filmmaking and web design via my company, Verglas Media, helping small businesses share their story with the world.

I've decided it's time to share mine.

"What is most personal is most universal." - Carl Rogers

I hope you find The Victory Lap as fun to read as I find it to write. This practice of sharing with the world is not for the faint of heart. I guess a life full of rich experience and intense tragedy might also have a few lessons learned, and others could stand to benefit–or at least know they are not alone. If the personal is indeed universal, then we all have something in common, don't we?

Why The Victory Lap?

Admittedly, it's a spin-off of the old cliche about the journey and the destination—you know the one. I can't wait to write a full-length post on this topic.

Traditionally, a victory lap refers to an additional lap driven around the track by a winner of an auto race and was picked up by racers of every sort. This gives the fans a chance to gleefully congratulate the winner and the winner an opportunity to show gratitude to their fans.

Let's face it; I'm probably not going to be winning any races. So why all this victory lap talk? My first and foremost goal is always to get to the event's starting line. Only then can I stand a chance at achieving the secondary goal: crossing the finish line. Crossing in style comes next!

Getting to the starting line is more complicated than it sounds. In the case of my current goal, the Leadville 100 MTB Race, it's been four...years in the making. And I'm not there yet. It requires intense dedication and focus. The training brings about some unimaginable highs and plenty of unexpected lows. It's the relentless commitment, the daily grind, the sacrifice, the sleepless nights. I've only done a handful of events before; this is true. Yet the ones to which I show up prepared–knowing I've done everything within my capability to give myself a chance at crossing the finish line–that is when the race itself is the victory lap. It's an incredible feeling, like when glee meets gratitude.

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