A Letter to Snow
A simple note to let Snow know how I feel.
Five Hard Truths of Racing—and Their Antidotes
This dose of reality would've come in handy four years ago when I started my journey. So, if you're thinking about racing, this is for you. And if you're not, perhaps there are races you watch or are invested in. Either way, I think the read will be worth your while.
The Tale of Two Races: Revenge of the Rattlesnake and Little Sugar 100K
Life after Leadville was full of spectacular fall riding and preparation for two more epic mountain bike races, each with its own character and challenges.
Looking Ahead: Little Sugar 100K
One of the first rules of mountain biking is to look where you want to go. Or, perhaps even more valuable: don't look where you don't want to go.
The Magic of 100 Miles
Before the Leadville 100 came the Tucker County 100, a route I devised back in 2020 as the first real test of my Leadville dream. Originally published in the Summer 2024 issue of the Highland Outdoors, please enjoy the extended cut on the Victory Lap.
Leadville 100 MTB 2024: I Won't Quit
Grab a cuppa and soak in this year's race report. Yes, it's long, but at least reading about 105 miles takes less time than riding them!
Race Day is Here!
It's been an awesome week and month getting ready to ride 105.3 miles up to 12,500
Chasing Altitude: The Road to Leadville
I drove to Colorado to spend almost a month acclimating to 10,000 feet. Much like the LT100, it's been a helluva ride and a bit of a roller coaster.
Stuck in a Fitness Rut? Discover the Transformative Power of Racing
Racing is not only for the elites, those training for the Olympics, or obsessed people like me. Racing is for everyone.
The Rollin Coal Gravel Grinder: Embracing the Unexpected
Rollin Coal is 2024's first of five events in the West Virginia Gravel Series. Word on the street is it's the gnarliest.